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Some experiences just crack our hearts wide open.

Sometimes, this cracking open is expected/anticipated. Like spending a weekend at an intensive yoga conference. Or the birth of a child. Or the death of a loved one.

Other times, we cannot imagine the impact a moment will have on our spirits. Like trying so desperately, but not being heard. Or finding nowhere near the right words to speak from our hearts.

Or trying to discover the best way to move forward when all we want to do is rest.


Today, I am salt-rain and sore eyes. I am a rib-pierced heart, a perpetual wrong number caller, a slush-soaked high heel. I am a hole in the big toe of your favorite socks. I am the moment just before you hear the words “I love you.” I am the seconds following a car crash. I am every word of doubt your Spirit has heard. I am the three-story glass staircase you hate to mop each night.

I am the quiet lovers sitting at separate tables, working and reading and stealing glances between sips of lattes.

I am the sand-filled spray of a bicycle tire as it spins on the slick streets slowly making way up a hill.

I am the tears you said you wouldn’t cry when you realized the conversation was exactly the one you have been avoiding for weeks, and can no longer ignore. The conversation you don’t want to have because you know you won’t keep your cool, and will likely be misunderstood. The conversation you tried to stay calm during, but even after admitting that you made mistakes you still could not connect to move forward. The conversation you never want to repeat, but will reschedule in a month’s time.

I am the moment your heart whispered “I love you” when no one else would.

I am the moment.

I am.